Sunday, January 04, 2009

Harper's Humor Chapter 4: page 1 & page 2

The other day Harper and I were talking about what we were going to get her cousins for Christmas ( we are having my family Christmas in Albion on the 17th of January). She said that Abby wanted a baby toy, Madison wanted a babydoll like the one she got from Aunt Jayne, Caleb wanted a truck, Tripp wanted a tractor and Trinton wanted a picture of her to put on his dresser? ........ for those of you who don't get the 'joke' here - Stephanie gave each of us a small framed pictures of her (her school pictures) for Christmas in our stocking. Harper has 2 of the frames on her dresser beside each other. Don't think I have shared with one with Aunt Stephanie yet.. I'm sure she will be overjoyed :-)

Last night Harper & Matt were sitting on the couch and it was almost time for bed. She was saying that she wanted to watch Spongebob - Matt said no it's almost time for bed. Then she said she wanted to watch Miss Spider and he said no again, it's almost time for bed. Then she snuggled up close to Matt and said " Daddy, I'll watch football with you" is a sweet voice. Now if that is not manipulation I'm not sure what is!!!

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

Love your blog! I am going to add it to my sidebar right now. Isn't blogging fun? I haven't had much time for it lately with the holidays but trying to get back on track. Harper is beautiful ~ I can't believe she is almost 4! Emma will be 4 in March and she comes up with some funny stuff too! Great to see you in blogland!