Tuesday, August 25, 2009

That darn door!

As you can tell... she is not happy

The other night Harper was going out into the garage and happened to catch her big toe on the door. She was wearing her new sandals and she 'got her toe'. There was some blood, a lot of tears, a long melt down but Matt was able to make it all better. He is so patient and caring when it comes to things like that... When she is hurt, she wants her Daddy! He is much better at that sort of thing that I am. We got it fixed up with Jayne's 'special band aides' and off they went to look at Hot Rods at Culvers (their Friday night date). The next night Matt was looking at her toes and there was part of the nail that needed to be trimmed... As you can see by the pictures she was not very happy about it.. but they got it handled and all is well!

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