It was an average Friday afternoon. We cleaned the shop like we do every week and I clocked out. I needed to run a couple errands down town, the bank, the parts store, nothing out of the ordinary. As I pointed the Intrepid towards town, I realized that something was different about this day, I couldn't explain it. There was a strange aura coming from the downtown area, kind of an erie glow, It was like I could see evil all around. I didn't pay too much attention to it, I figured I was just seeing things after a long day at work. I hit the bank and made it to the brake house and figured I'd drive by the pub for the hell of it and see if anyone was there. I got to 13th and L street and started smelling the most foul smell I have ever smelt. At first I thought I may have farted and not known about it, I sniffed towards my crotch and it checked out clear. By the time I got to 12th and L, the smell was unbearable and I could see the erie, evil glow was coming from around the corner on 11th street,,,,,,,,,,Right by the Pub!! It was if death itself was all around. I made it to the corner and went to turn left and there it was!! It was hidious, all orange and rust colored with the remnants of imitation wood grain trim and what was once white paint. Once again I had come face to face with my shamefull rusted past,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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