Harper had spring break the week of March 21th so I figured I would take the week off too and we would have a "girls trip." We headed out Monday morning to Albion to see Grandma and Grandpa. We had lunch and then headed to Atkinson. I had wanted to stay in Albion for the afternoon, but as soon as lunch was over, Harper stated asking when we were going to leave so she could play with her cousins. After about the 4th time, Mom said, "Why don't you just go before she drives us all nuts"... So we headed to Atkinson. She was soooo excited to see her cousins and pretty much talked to whole way.....Which is actually normal for Harper.. LOL We got there in the afternoon and playing began! Harper was excited to have the "sleep over" in the girl's room. All the kids, Caleb, Madison, Abby & Harper slept on the floor in sleeping bags. Harper struggled falling asleep, because of the "noise", I guess being an only child she needs it to be quiet.. :-) The next morning Caleb and Madison had preschool. Because it was sibling day, Abby was able to also go. So Jadon, Harper, Miechelle and I went to visit Marlene at work. After school we went and go the kids, stopped for Pizza and went home to resume playing. We all (including Brady, Scott and Marlene) went out to eat that evening and the back home for another sleep over. Harper and I took off the next morning to head to Grand Island, but we first stopped by to see Sheena and Tripp.


Harper and I left Atkinson and headed to Sheena's... She took us to a barn to show Harper a bottle fed calf. We then headed to Barlett to have lunch at some little mom and pop diner. Great hamburger!

Harper & I headed Grand Island (Wednesday afternoon). We went and did some shopping and had dinner. Sonja and I thought that would wear her out, but NO! She was all wound up and ready do play Polly Pockets with Sonja. Thursday morning we got up and had lunch and Carlos O Kellys and then went to pedicures! Harper also got her nails painted. Sonj and I had never had a pedicures before and we loved it. This may become a monthy thing for the 3 of us!

Sonja & I were sitting by the dryer and Harper was sad that she had no one to sit by
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