Today is a sad day here at the West Bond Tool Room. Today is the day we have to say booed buy to a dear friend. A friend that we have come to know and love,,,The dear friend I speak of is Bob the Spider. Over the past week and a half we have each got to know Bob in our own special way. Bob has taught us that a cricket should not be carelessly stomped on the floor, it should be gently picked up and put in the spider house so Bob can chomp it. And who can ever forget the courage it took for Bob to chew off his own injured let so that he may press on. It seems like only yesterday that bob came crawling into our lives on sever and one half legs. Watching him chew up a cricket was like watching kittens being born. It was natures beauty at it's finest. Bob is leaving us today to set out on his next adventure. He will be living in a bigger spider house and have a companion. His new friend is a Cobalt Blue Tarantula, name unknown. I have no doubt that Bob will look back on this experience, with his 16 beady eyes, and smile through his enormous fangs. We will all miss Bob. May his memory live on in the tool room folk lore forever.
Tom said: "I'm really gonna miss the way Bob looks at me when I throw him a fresh bug."
Jess said: "Bob stinks a little, but I've really connected with him on a personal level.:
Matt said: "That Bob is one hell of a spider, if only my wife had gotten to know him."
written by Matt on 09/09/2005

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