Monday, June 08, 2009

Last Day of Preschool



Harper had her last day of Preschool last week and she is still pretty bummed. Unfortunately, dance and preschool ended the same week. With that major of a schedule change, it has been a little rough at our house. For those of you who know how scheduled she is - I know you understand. On the last day of Preschool I tried to make it special for her. We stopped and got French Toast sticks & chocolate milk @ Burger King and she took it in to Preschool. We had also packed a lunch for her to take so she could stay and have lunch with the other kids that stay for lunch. Some kids stay and have their lunch and parents come pick them up in the afternoon. Harper never stayed, I always came and picked her up to take her back to DD's for the rest of the day. I left work early and went and picked her up about 3:00. They had just gone into the Theater for quiet time. They have a Theater (yes an actually Theater, but much smaller). The kids are able to go in and there and watch a movie and rest. I stuck my head in and the teacher told Harper that her mommy was here to pick her up and I hear... "Why? I'm not ready to go". She was a little upset that she had to leave.. But all and all it was a good day! Hard to believe that the first year of Preschool is over. One more year of Preschool and she will be a Kindergartner! OMGosh!

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