This morning we went to the Prairyland Dairy Fun Day. We had a good time and the weather was... pretty good. Not to hot, there was a breeze, but we got rained on. We were riding the tour shuttle and it started to rain... didn't last to long and we didn't get to wet. Harper got to play in the corn box again this year & loved it. We headed home before the next rainstorm came and I had some quiet time before it was time for her to go to a birthday party. The party is at the indoor playground at the Zoo. I had asked her on the way if she wanted me to stay and she said yes.. But once we got there and I asked her again if she wanted to me to stay and she said.. No mom, you can go and pick me us later.... Kind of made me sad but kind of made me happy.. Matt is fishing and I thought 'oh, I could go home and have some ME time'. So I gave her a hug and headed home for a while. She had a great time & wants to have her 5th Birthday Party there in January. Which will probably happen - we will invite her Preschool & Daycare friends!
Welcome to the Johnson family blog. I have created this blog to journal the funny and unpredictable things that happen when you live with a 6 3/4 year old. Harper says and does the funniest things and I want to remember these things and share them with friends and family. Eventually sharing them with her. I have started to name a few of the blogs as "HARPER'S HUMOR" - these are specific blogs that have to with something funny she said or did......ENJOY
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Our 2nd adventure to the Firth Dairy Farm
Monday, June 22, 2009
Harper's Humor Chapter 8 page 5
Yesterday we had gone to Sis & Ellis's for a quick visit. We were not there for long, but Harper had a good time walking around the farm and down the railroad tracks. On the way home we were talking about Father's Day.. and she says.. I wish there was a kids day so I could get presents. Boy, the things Matt's kids will say???
Friday, June 19, 2009
Harper's Humor Chapter 8 page 4
OMG! This is a good one! Harper has taken a liking to taking a shower after swimming lessons at the YMCA. She was out of the shower and we were in the middle of the locker room getting her dried off. There were not a lot of people around but there were a couple of ladies who I had seen in the pool earlier changing on the other side of the room. Harper looks at me and says...... "Mommy - look, that lady has a big vagina". And as most of you know - I do not have a quiet child! I quietly say "Harper" and then look over that the lady who kind has a look on her face like... do I laugh? do I say anything?. I tell her I'm sorry, and explain that she had learned the correct names of body parts and good/bad touching preschool. The lady laughs and tells me it's OK, she can see her granddaughter saying the same thing.
I laugh when I think - what if it would have been Matt getting her dressed in the men's locker room.. What would she have said... Daddy, look he has a big P#*@&! And I'm sure that is my Matt told me he wouldn't feel comfortable taking her into the men's locker room.
Gotta love her!
I laugh when I think - what if it would have been Matt getting her dressed in the men's locker room.. What would she have said... Daddy, look he has a big P#*@&! And I'm sure that is my Matt told me he wouldn't feel comfortable taking her into the men's locker room.
Gotta love her!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Harper's Humor Chapter 8 page 3
Harper and I had just left the downtown Y after swimming lessons. She was talking with some guy who had walked out of the Y with us and heading the same direction. Suddenly she says - "Hey Mommy, I'm hungry, stop that car I want a pizza." She had seen a car drive by with one of those sign things on the top of the car that said Valentinos! The guy crossing the street with us says... I wish it were that easy. I just laughed and explained that you can't just stop the pizza delivery guy and get a pizza, you have to order it.
At work this morning I was talking about what Harper said and someone said, You can get ice cream from an ice cream truck so why not Pizza from a car...
At work this morning I was talking about what Harper said and someone said, You can get ice cream from an ice cream truck so why not Pizza from a car...
Monday, June 15, 2009
To Albion for the weekend....
Harper and I went to Albion for the weekend. Matt worked at the Hardware Store on Saturday and then had plans to put the motor in the truck on Sunday. I figured that it would be best to get out of town - that way Harper wouldn't be in the way and we wouldn't be around if it 'didn't go so well'. Good new though - the motor is in! Not running yet, but it is in the truck! Harper can't wait til the truck in running so she and he Dad can go a burnout!....Anyhow - we had a good time hanging out with Albion Grandma & Grandpa. We spent a long time at the city park playing on everything!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Swimming lessons
Monday, June 08, 2009
Sunday we make the annual trip to Rockport MO to buy our fireworks for the year! Usually Matt goes with a buddy but this year we made it a family outing! Daddy, Mommy, Harper, Uncle Mitch & Aunt Brandy! The 4th of July is... Matt's Christmas and as you can tell Harper is beginning to fee the same way!
Last Day of Preschool
Harper had her last day of Preschool last week and she is still pretty bummed. Unfortunately, dance and preschool ended the same week. With that major of a schedule change, it has been a little rough at our house. For those of you who know how scheduled she is - I know you understand. On the last day of Preschool I tried to make it special for her. We stopped and got French Toast sticks & chocolate milk @ Burger King and she took it in to Preschool. We had also packed a lunch for her to take so she could stay and have lunch with the other kids that stay for lunch. Some kids stay and have their lunch and parents come pick them up in the afternoon. Harper never stayed, I always came and picked her up to take her back to DD's for the rest of the day. I left work early and went and picked her up about 3:00. They had just gone into the Theater for quiet time. They have a Theater (yes an actually Theater, but much smaller). The kids are able to go in and there and watch a movie and rest. I stuck my head in and the teacher told Harper that her mommy was here to pick her up and I hear... "Why? I'm not ready to go". She was a little upset that she had to leave.. But all and all it was a good day! Hard to believe that the first year of Preschool is over. One more year of Preschool and she will be a Kindergartner! OMGosh!
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Harper's Humor Chapter 8 page 2
This morning Harper and I were talking about what thought they may do in the last day of Preschool. She said they hoped they played "Donald Donald Goose" again like they did on Tuesday. It took me a few question to figure out what she was talking about..... AKA: Duck Duck Goose!
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Harper's Dance Recital
This seems to be her pose these days!
Harper & Mommy (I really do exist, not many pictures of me since I'm alway the one taking the pictures!)
Harper had her first Dance recital on Saturday the 30th. Had dress rehearsal on Friday night and all the girls did great! After Itsy Bitsy Yellow Polka Dot Bikini was done on stage, we sat and watched a few of the other dances. Stephanie had gone with us and was sitting with Harper watching the dances. Harper was so excited and all she wanted to do was dance is the isle. Stephanie had to explain to her that she needs to sit & watch. Later Stephanie commented that the rehearsal opened up Harper's eyes to what dance is all about. She really didn't have any idea what goes on in other classes & was excited to see others dance.
The recital went very well.... Itsy Bitsy Yellow Polka Dot Bikini was the 5th dance and the Harper came into the audience and was able to watch. She had a lot of people behind her at the recital... Mom, Dad, Stephanie, Mitch, Brandy, Jayne, Jolene, Grandpa & Deb all came to see her dance. Thank you all for coming!
After the recital, Stephanie, Brandy & Mitch came over and we all hung out in the garage... Frank ever showed up to congratulate Harper and a job well done!
Monday, June 01, 2009
Harper's Humor Chapter 8 page 1
Sometime this weekend, Matt and Harper were sitting on the couch and Matt said something about going downstairs to shave. Harper was looking at his 'gray' hair on the Go-T and Matt said something about it not being there until she was born. She just looked at him and said.. No it's because you are old.
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