Last Saturday night Matt was in his garage and in came a black cat... He came upstairs to check on us and we were watching CARS. He went back down to the garage and was sitting at his bench. The cat just jumped up on his lap and starting snuggling. He then had a name... FRANK. For those of you who have seen CARS you will understand where the name came from, "Franks gonna get ya!" Against my better judgment we fed Frank.. a can of chicken.....Matt was hoping that Frank would come back and be shop cat, but he didn't show - - until tonight! We had not put Harper to bed yet and we were all outside and all of a sudden there he was, looking for chicken. Luckily we had one more can left (you know, cat food would be a heck of a lot cheaper then canned chicken). I went up and got the chicken while Matt and Harper sat on the driveway and played with Frank. He went to town on the chicken in the driveway but then it started to rain - so we moved the feast into the garage. He ate all the chicken and then just kind of hung out with us. Harper loved it. (as so did Matt). She wanted to know where Frank lived and what his parents name were. She also wanted to know why Frank could not be our pet. We had to explain to her that Frank is just a friend and he only comes over to visit every now and then. They (Matt and Harper) played, pet and held Frank until it was time for Harper to go to bed. By this time it is almost 10, she was tired, and nearly had a melt down because she was sad that Frank had to leave.
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