Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Last Sunday Matt & Harper took a one day road trip to Ainsworth & back.... Matt needed to go to Ainsworth to pick up a part for his motor and wanted to take Harper. They headed out about 6:30 Sunday morning and drove straight through to Ainsworth (about 250 miles) only stopping to get out a stretch & grab some Road Grub (as Matt & Harper would say). On the way back they stopped in Atkinson to see Uncle Scott & Aunt Marlene. Matt, Harper and Scott walked around her property looking for the wild turkey's that live there, but they had gone to the neighbors. After leaving Atkinson, they then stopped by Albion to see Albion Grandma & Grandpa. Then it was time to head home. Matt said Harper did GREAT on the road trip and didn't have a single melt down. They walked in the house about 7 that evening. I had a full day of quiet! I actually got a lot done around the house and just enjoyed being alone.! I keep telling Matt and HE needs to blog something and this would be a perfect day to Blog about... I'll try to get him to do one from his point of view!

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

That's great that you had a day all to yourself! I am so jealous!