Welcome to the Johnson family blog. I have created this blog to journal the funny and unpredictable things that happen when you live with a 6 3/4 year old. Harper says and does the funniest things and I want to remember these things and share them with friends and family. Eventually sharing them with her. I have started to name a few of the blogs as "HARPER'S HUMOR" - these are specific blogs that have to with something funny she said or did......ENJOY
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Last Sunday Matt & Harper took a one day road trip to Ainsworth & back.... Matt needed to go to Ainsworth to pick up a part for his motor and wanted to take Harper. They headed out about 6:30 Sunday morning and drove straight through to Ainsworth (about 250 miles) only stopping to get out a stretch & grab some Road Grub (as Matt & Harper would say). On the way back they stopped in Atkinson to see Uncle Scott & Aunt Marlene. Matt, Harper and Scott walked around her property looking for the wild turkey's that live there, but they had gone to the neighbors. After leaving Atkinson, they then stopped by Albion to see Albion Grandma & Grandpa. Then it was time to head home. Matt said Harper did GREAT on the road trip and didn't have a single melt down. They walked in the house about 7 that evening. I had a full day of quiet! I actually got a lot done around the house and just enjoyed being alone.! I keep telling Matt and HE needs to blog something and this would be a perfect day to Blog about... I'll try to get him to do one from his point of view!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Harper's Humor Chapter 5 page 3
Harper had just gotten out of the bathtub and her and I were in the bathroom getting her dried off. I had been sick the week prior and a digital thermometer was on the counter. Harper was looking at it, picked it up put in in her armpit and the quickly pulled it out and said "Ok, mommy, what time am I"
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Harper's SPECIAL DAY out with Uncle Mitch & Aunt Brandy
On Sunday Harper got to spend a SPECIAL DAY with Uncle Mitch & Aunt Brandy. Harper got to pick where they would have lunch & and she of course picked Runza. (She loves to get a kids meal because it comes with a tiny ice cream cone). They then headed to Fire Station #8 for a tour. Brandy's dad, Red works there and was nice enough to let them come so Harper could see the Fire House. She had a great time and has mentioned something about it almost every day since then. Below are some pictures that Mitch & Brandy took and were nice enough to share them with me so I could post them. Thanks guys - I love pictures!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Harper Humor Chapter 5 page 2
Harper received many Valentine's Day cards in the mail. We had brought them in and told her and after dinner she could open her mail. Dinner was almost over and she looked and Matt and said. "Ok, I want to open my email now."
Harper and her cakes....

Friday, February 06, 2009
I took today off to make/decorate my first ever Barbie Cake... and I turned our pretty good if I do say so myself. We are having people over on Sunday to celcbrate Grandpa Steve's and Harper's birthday... She hasn't seen the cake yet, I took it over to the neighbors before she got home from DD's. I excited to see what she thinks on Sunday when she see it. I'll keep you all posted.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Harper's Humor Chapter 5 page 1
While sitting at the table having dinner last night - Matt and I were talking about me having February 16th off because of President's Day. Harper piped up and said "What do I get for PRESENTS day?". We tried to explain to her what President's day was, but she was not interested when she found out that presents were not involved.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Big Monkey
This morning Harper and I were on our way out the door. I was ahead of her on the stairs and I hear her say "Stop It". I turn around and and said "I didn't go anything". She said that Big Monkey was pushing her. I asked if I needed to tell Big Monkey that he needed to go to Time Out and Harper says... NO I'll just tell him to go home. Gotta love Big Monkey!
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