Sunday, February 07, 2010

Miechelle, Brady & Baby Jadon

Harper's 5th Birthday Party @ Ager Playground...

January 30th we had Harper's 5th Birthday party at Agers indoor playground. We invited her Preschool class and friends. 25 friends were able to make it, including Calvin, Dain, Madison, Calvin, Abby and Jadon! The kids played for awhile and then we brought them in for cupcakes, ice cream and juice boxes. Below are few pictures that I took...
Getting the room ready


Calvin & Susan

Harper's Humor Chapter 13 page 1

Yesterday I had decided to let Matt sleep in. Harper had just gotten out of bed and come into the living room. I asked her to go and close the bedroom door because we were going to let her Dad sleep in. I hear her talking and then she closes the door. I asked her what she was doing.... She said "I had to wake up Daddy so I could tell him we were going to let him sleep in"