Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Harper's Humor Chapter 7 page 3

As you will read below we had a garage sale this weekend..... Stephanie and Harper had been out and about and were on their way back to the house. Steph asked Harper if she thought Mommy had sold a lot of stuff and then said something about Jon & Kate plus 8 coming to buy stuff since they have a lot of kids. Harper told Steph and they wouldn't come and buy anything because they "live in the TV"

Busy Weekend....

We had our first annual Garage Sale on Friday & Saturday! Or maybe I should say my first & last ever Garage Sale. We decided it was time to get rid of all of Harper's baby/toddles cloths and all the baby things she had. Oh the work involved! I took Thursday off to get things ready and then I had Friday off from work already (Arbor Day! - yes it sometime pays to work for the State of Nebraska). Friday the weather was absolutely beautiful! I took Harper to DD's for the day so Matt and hung out and 'sold' things. Sonja came up for the weekend to help and hang out. She got to the house in the afternoon.. as did Stephanie. So Harper was in heaven - she had both her favorite aunts to play with and show off for.... Jim also drove up from Kansas Friday night. Saturday morning it turned out to be cold and rainy! I opened the GS up anyhow and just put everything in the garage. Matt of course was a little concerned as he didn't want people looking at all of his treasures in the garage. I told him I wouldn't sell anything - unless I could get a lot of $$ for it. :-) Stephanie took Harper to dance class for me and they had a great time spending time together after. They went to lunch and then to the mall. Anyhow... it turned out to be a good weekend as I made some $$ and got to spend time with family!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Farewell Alphabet

Harper will be done with her first year of Preschool in about a month. She has learned so much and absolutely LOVES IT. We have enrolled her next year at the same place for Tue/Thur morning again since it worked so well with my work schedule. Today this was sent home with her and I thought I would share.

A - is for Alphabet - which we know how to say

B - is for Busy Bodies - at work and at play

C - is for Colors - red, black, blue & green

D - is for Drawings pictures - the best you've even seen

E - is for Exercise - to keep our bodies strong

F - is for Fun - we've had as we gone along

G - is for Good friends - we made them throughout the year

H - is for Happy faces - filled with love and cheer

I - is for Imagination - used at every turn

J - is for good Job - and praises that we've earned

K - is for Kindness - we've shared with everyone

L - is for Learning - more and more each day

M - is for Minding - and showing our respect

N - is for Numbers - one, two, three, correct?

O - is for Obstacles - we've learned to overcome

P - is for Puppets - and playing on a drum

Q - is for Questions - we've asked them throughout the year

R - is for Reading - stories that we love to hear

S - is for Snacks - several different kinds we've tried

T - is for Talking - it's not to be denied

U - is for Unusual - it fits some things we've done

V - is for Volunteers - parents and friends every one

W - is for World of preschool - now we are through

X - is for X-traspecial - it's him, it's her, it's you!

Y - is for Yes - it has been a GREAT YEAR

Z - is for Zest - We're ready, have no fear

Playing ball @ Uncle Mitch & Aunt Brandy's

Come on Dad - Pitch me the ball!

The Outfielders!

Our little ball player not sure who was pitching..
Maybe Uncle Mitch?
Sunday we were over at Mitch & Brandys for our first cook-out of the summer. The food great but the company was better. Grandpa got Harper and new bat and 6 balls (now we don't have to chase it after every pitch) THANKS grandpa! She loves to play ball - she can even hit in. Now we just need to get her a glove and practice throwing. She bats right handed but 'sometimes' throws left handed?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter Pictures!

Easter Stuff!
Easter Basker/Bubble/Peeps - you name it!

Harper & Jayne @ the Easter Egg hunt in Chester

Harper & Grandpa

Harper and Chester Grandma!

Easter Morning

Harper & Holden @ the Easter Egg Hunt!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Matt called me a work on Thursday and said that he was going to go pick up Harper @ DD's and head to the lake for some fishing. They didn't catch anything but had a good time trying.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Weekend....

Harper headed to Chester Friday afternoon with Aunt Jayne, Aunt Carrie & Cousin Holden! She of course had a GREAT TIME and each day since she has come back I hear another story or she says something about someone in Chester. Chester had their annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday morning at the Park. I haven't been able to get her to tell me much about the hunt except that there were a lot of eggs and candy. She was also able to spend some more time with Luke & Lucy (her favorite horses in the world) Alan hooked up the horses to a wagon and they got to go on a hay rack ride. I hear that Allan ran a Stop sign in town (don't worry, we are talking Chester and there isn't a lot of traffic) and Harper let him know what he had done. Yes - she is our back seat driver.... If I go through a Yellow light she lets me know! and tells me that Yellow means... slowwwww downnnnnn. She had a great time and I'm very thankful that she is able to spend time in Chester with family.... I should have some Easter Weekend pictures to post sometime this week!

Harper's Humor Chapter 7 page 2

Harper went to Church Easter Sunday with The 3 Aunts - Judy, Jolene & Jayne. The minister had invited all of the children up to the front on the church for a children's sermon. Harper didn't initially get up and then she finally said "I'm a children" and asked to go up and join the other kids.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Harper's Humor Chapter 7 page 1

To start off this one - I need to tell you all that we have been trying to get Harper to stop Interrupting when someone is talking. Most of you know that she loves to talk and this has been a hard habit to break......I had just dropped Harper off at Preschool and was talking to one of her teachers. I looked at her and was just going to ask her not to interrupt. She looked at us and said... Will you please stop talking while I'm trying to interrupt you.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Harper's Motor Game Trivia

Which one of these parts is the intake?
Harper's knows!
Read post below to understand

Daddy - Daughter Day Out

Yesterday was Matt's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY! He had the day off from work and decided and he and Harper were going to have a day of FUN. Unfortunately she did not let him sleep in much - "welcome to my world" :-) They started off the day going fishing at 'their' favorite fishing hole. Didn't catch anything though. Matt told Harper it may be to cold to catch any fish and she told him the fish were not biting because they were having lunch.. They then did their good deed for the day. There was a old farmer who had come up to see if the fish were biting and when he went back to his car he couldn't get it to start. Matt tried to help him figure out what the problem was and when they couldn't get it started, Matt offered to drive him home... To Schyler! A bit down the road thes old guy saw a truck and a trailor that he recognized and told Matt that if he could flag him down he could catch a ride with him. After a few miles Matt got the guy to pull over and the off he went to Schyler. They then headed back in town to go Drag Racing! Yes - I said Drag Racing. Harper and Matt often watch drag racing on TV and whenever they go to O'reilys and Harper sees the Go Carts at Champions she wants to go... so they did! Harper is convinced that all racing is Drag Racing. They had a great time! When I got home from work they were sitting at Matt's bench playing the Motor Game... Matt is rebuilding the motor for his truck and the motor is on a stand in the garage. They look at one of Matt's catalogs and he points to a picture in the catalog and then he asks Harper to find that part on his engine. Harper and I then went for a long walk over the Mulberry Road... Check future posts to find out about Mulberry Road